
A sampling of our work.

Drone Web Site Videos

The Drone Web Site Video loops listed above demonstrate how drone videos can help make your web site more engaging and interesting to prospective customers, guests and clients. We can provide you with drone video and photos that make your Montauk business web site really stand out amongst your competition.

The raw video for each of these projects was shot on-location in approximately one (1) hour or less.

Typical Project Mission:

  • Capture raw video of locations at best possible times for lighting and aesthetic conditions
  • Highlight specific aspects of location as requested by client
  • Produce an edited HD quality video loop for clients web site

Drone Real Estate Listing Videos

This Drone Real Estate Promotional Video of a spectacular house tucked away in Hither Woods was shot in one (1) hour on-location and provided the real estate agent with a method of showcasing the listing and the means to entice prospective buyers.

The client wanted to show the proximity of the home to the water and nearby private ocean beaches homeowners in the area enjoy access to.

Project Mission:

  • Capture video early in day for best possible lighting conditions
  • Showcase proximity to water, views and private ocean beach
  • Highlight private, secluded pool and outdoor areas
  • Give potential home buyers a sense of the unique architectural design
  • Produce a 2-3 minute HD quality video with music & contact information


This Drone Real Estate Video of a stunning house for sale in East Hampton was shot in about one (1) hour on-location and demonstrates the drone's effectiveness at capturing the beauty of an area in such a way it can be utilized as a powerful marketing and sales tool.

Our client was especially interested in using the drone to show off the proximity of the home to the waters of nearby Gardiner's Bay as well as letting prospective buyers see the private marina accessible to neighborhood homeowners.

Project Mission:

  • Capture video late in day for best possible lighting conditions
  • Showcase proximity to water, views and natural beauty of surrounding area
  • Highlight large decks, ideal for Summer parties & outdoor entertaining
  • Give buyers a sense of the light & open feeling of "upside down" design
  • Produce a 2-3 minute HD quality video with music, soundscape & contact information

Drone Social Media Posts

NOTICE: has special authorization to operate on private property at Montauk Point Lighthouse. Please be advised, it is a violation of NY State law to launch / land / operate a drone from Montauk Point State Park, or any NY State Park without written authorization from the NY State OPRHP.

This Drone Video Production of Sunset at Montauk Point Lighthouse was created for use on the Montauk Lighthouse Facebook Social Media Page to help attract new followers and maintain the interest of current subscribers and followers. The raw video for the project was shot with a drone in less than one (1) hour on-location.

Our client was especially interested in capturing the sun beaming through the lantern room during sunset as well getting sweeping expansive views of the majestic National Historic Landmark perched high above the waves crashing in the Atlantic Ocean.

Project Mission:

  • Capture raw video of Montauk Lighthouse, Turtle Hill & Turtle Cove at sunset
  • Hover behind lantern room to capture sun beaming through glass
  • Include shots of surf breaking in front of lighthouse
  • Produce an edited five (5) minute HD quality video for Social Media posts
  • Use exposure and post-production to obsure stains on lighthouse tower

Drone Documentary Video Productions

NOTICE: has special authorization to operate on private property at Montauk Point Lighthouse. Please be advised, it is a violation of NY State law to launch / land / operate a drone from Montauk Point State Park, or any NY State Park without written authorization from the NY State OPRHP.

This is the first installment in a Documentary Video Series commissioned by the Montauk Historical Society to chronicle the process and progress of the Montauk Point Lighthouse REVETMENT STABILIZATION PROJECT.

This video shows the condition of the revetment protecting the bluffs below the Montauk Point Lighthouse, a National Historic Landmark, prior to work beginning on the project in Spring of 2021. The raw video for the project was shot with a drone in less than one (1) hour on-location.

Few other methods of photography and video allow for such a practical means of capturing extremely large scale structures from all possible angles.

Our client was especially interested in documenting the state of the entire revetment structure, end-to-end in close-up detail as well wide-angle views with at least one (1) shot showing the full structure in a single frame.

Project Mission:

  • Capture raw video of Montauk Point Lighthouse revetment structure before work begins
  • Get close-up shots of revetment from end-to-end
  • Get wide-angle shots of revetment showing entire structure in a single frame
  • Include shots of waves breaking on revetment to highlight the structures function of preserving fragile bluffs on which the Montauk Point Lighthouse sits
  • Produce an edited five (5) minute HD quality video with music and sound effects for publication


This installment of the Documentary Video Series commissioned by the Montauk Historical Society was compiled from multiple sources capturing the process of lifting a WWII relic known as the "Pill Box" ( estimated to weigh up to 100,000 Lbs. ), so work on the project could move forward unencumbered.

Drone video, GoPro® video, Time-Lapse video, Rylo® 360° camera video, Nikon® DSLR camera video, music and historic sound effects were all combined to create the finished product.

Our client was especially interested in documenting the process in context of the efforts to save the lighthouse itself, demonstrating the ultimate fate of the National Historic Landmark if anti-erosion measures had not been put into place.

Project Mission:

  • Capture raw video of WWII "Pill Box" lift process
  • Get close-up time-lapse shots of Pill Box lift from ground level angle
  • Get wide-angle shots of lift showing location of Pill Box in relation to lighthouse tower
  • Include shots of massive heavy equipment brought in to lift the Pill Box
  • Produce an edited HD quality video with music and sound effects for publication


This third installment of the Documentary Video Series commissioned by the Montauk Historical Society shows the progress made on the Montauk Point Lighthouse REVETMENT STABILIZATION PROJECT. At this point construction crews have completed setting the underwater Toe Stones around the entire perimeter of the structure, and work is beginning on the next layers of the structure.

The raw video for this project was shot in under one (1) hour on-location, but required patiently waiting and monitoring conditions for almost two weeks to finally get a break in the nearly constant strong/gusty winds experienced in Montauk during Fall of 2021.

Among the top priorities when producing this video were to show the progress made thus far from one end of the structure to the other as well as showing the crew actively engaged in starting the next phase of the project.

Project Mission:

  • Capture raw video of Montauk Point Lighthouse revetment structure after Toe Stones were set
  • Get close-up shots of completed work from end-to-end
  • Get wide-angle shots of revetment including bird's-eye-view of lighthouse and revetment structure
  • Include shots of machines working on revetment to provide a sense of scale of the project
  • Produce an edited HD quality video with music and sound effects under five (5) minutes in length for publication


$4.5M Of Heavy Equipment Loaded On Beached Barge At Montauk Point

NOTICE: has special authorization to operate on private property at Montauk Point Lighthouse. Please be advised, it is a violation of NY State law to launch / land / operate a drone from Montauk Point State Park, or any NY State Park without written authorization from the NY State OPRHP.

We were called upon recently by the Montauk Historical Society to capture drone video documenting the removal of two extremely large pieces of heavy equipment from Turtle Cove onto a barge floating off the beach. The machines needed to be removed following the end of the Revetment Stabilization Project that has been unfolding for the last two years.

In order to avoid the extraordinary expense of breaking down and transporting the Sennebogen 875e ( and a huge excavator ) over land, the contractor chose to use a barge in a historic, first of it's kind EVER operation conducted from the ocean beach on the South side of Montauk Point.

To complete this job it was necessary to keep the drone in the air during a span of over 2-1/2 hours as the operation progressed, landing only briefly at times to change/recharge batteries and take short breaks.

Project Mission:

  • Document historic use of barge to remove heavy equipment from Turtle Cove
  • Provide visual context of scale of structure and machinery
  • Capture close-up detail of barge and machinery involved in operation
  • Capture wide-angle shots of the completed revetment structure
  • Produce edited video including motion graphics to display Revetment Structure Info
  • Add ultra-realistic soundscape reproduction using dynamic and spatial effects for an immersive viewing experience

Drone Video Soundscapes

Drones DO NOT record audio simply because a microphone on a drone would pick up mostly propeller noise. Watching a video on YouTube or social media without any sound is not a particularly engaging experience for the viewer, and most people don't typically watch videos on MUTE (by choice.) Adding a music track to a video can enhance the viewing experience to some degree, but having a rich soundscape with truly realistic natural sounds as well as dramatic sound effects can make it infinitely more satisfying to watch, drawing the viewer more fully into the experience.

This sample video was created using only two (2) MP4 video files, but required a total of twenty-six (26) WAV/MP3 files, laid out across eleven (11) stereo tracks, divided into sixty-two (62) distinct sound elements: Wind, waves, birds, water spraying from fish, water splashing from whales landing, cinematic sound effects and music, all brought together in harmony to immerse the viewer in the scene.

NOTE: This drone video footage was captured in full accordance with Federal, State and Local laws & regulations regarding all aspects of flight and maintaining required distances from whales. Safety and compliance with all laws & regulations is our highest priority.

Project Mission:

  • Capture raw video of explosive Humpback Whale feeds off Montauk beaches
  • Use CPL (polarizing) lens filter to allow prey fish schools to be seen clearly underwater
  • Collect B-roll footage of beach and shoreline for Intro / "Outro"
  • Produce an edited HD quality video showcasing soundscape production capabilities

Top Down Drone Photography

Drone photograph of the pool at Snug Harbor Motel & Marina

This still drone photograph of the pool at Snug Harbor Motel & Marina was shot at the perfect time for the natural lighting to reveal the area in the way the client desired.

Capturing the light open space with visitors enjoying themselves only added to the overall aesthetic of the scene.

Project Mission:

  • Capture still photos of the property during time of ideal lighting conditons
  • get a "bird's eye view" shot of pool area
  • generate an edited 12 mega-pixel image file for use on web site

360° Drone Panoramas

360° drone panorama photos and videos are becoming increasing popular on the web and social media, and it's not hard to understand why. They provide a completely immersive experience for the viewer, giving a perspective as if they were floating in mid-air.

The client was looking for a 360° drone panorama that showed all of Montauk, from end to end, from the highest altitude allowable without having to get any FAA waivers. In this photograph you can see all the way back West beyond Hither Hills, and to the East, right out over the Lighthouse to Block Island Sound.

Project Mission:

  • Capture 360° drone panorama of Montauk from end to end from somewhere near it's center point
  • Reach highest possible altitude for photo allowed by FAA without a waiver or special authorization

Drone Video and Beyond

Time-lapse videos are an excellent addition to promotional drone videos created for your Montauk business.

The first time-lapse clip in this sample was shot over a time period of one (1) hour to capture the movement of the dramatic clouds rolling over the ocean beach in Montauk and could be used as an Intro shot for a video to promote many types of Montauk businesses.

The second time-lapse was shot over a period of one-half hour during sunset, right at the water's edge overlooking Fort Pond Bay and would make an ideal closing shot for a promotional drone video of a Montauk business.

Time-lapse videos add another unique type of element to drone video productions that further augment their appeal and help engage viewers more completely.

Project Mission:

  • Capture time-lapse video of scenes and subjects in Montauk to create dramatic effect
  • Generate a "slow motion" camera movement effect utilizing special equipment
  • Produce an edited 4K quality time-lapse video clip for use as an Intro or closing shot